Friendly Labrador Retriever Still America’s Top Dog

dogDogs are very agile and swish animals. The nimble and lithe actions of a dog being paraded in a show ring would never fail to draw out quite a lot of oohs and aahs from the spectators.

Click on the dog line drawings to obtain an even bigger model of the image. All the coloring sheets on this page are my very own footage or variations of public domain footage (from wpclipart ) or from morguefile so please don’t add them wherever else on the internet. Feel free to hyperlink to this web page but please do not link directly to the png file on

Despite what cat individuals say, cats DO NOT hear better than dogs. They SEE better, which is clearly not pretty much as good for cover. Is it just me, or is that picture of the muscular dog photoshopped? I can’t imagine that a dog …

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